You Know Best What Works For Your Business and What Doesn’t

A little direction and some expert guidance is all you need. Take charge of your business,
but first, analyze where it stands.
(To get a clear idea of where you stand, it is suggested to answer the questions truthfully.)

1 / 12

Your marketing plan for your company

2 / 12

How often do you discount pricing to boost sales?

3 / 12

When it comes to generating new leads ...

4 / 12

Do you have any programs to help compel former and even inactive customers to come back and buy from you again?

5 / 12

Your marketing budget

6 / 12

What type of online advertising do you use?

7 / 12

What's your current conversion rate?

8 / 12

When you spend money on media, how would you describe your results?

9 / 12

How do you test and measure your campaigns?

10 / 12

How many joint venture or strategic alliance partner programs do you have in place to leverage your marketing efforts?

11 / 12

What type of "frequent buyers program" or VIP customer service programs do you currently have in place?

12 / 12

How high is the "Lifetime Value" of your customer base?

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Business Coach Vijay Johar is here to guide you on the 4 pillars of business management, leading the way for you to build a prosperous company.

Marketing Test - Vijay Joar - Best Business Coaching

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