What you think, indeed, is what you become. A lot of your success in your career depends on your mindset and how you perceive life. A study found that young students with a growth mindset, believing that intelligence can be developed, were more capable of overcoming academic challenges than students who thought intelligence was predetermined.
Stephen Covey termed the difference between this mindset as an abundance vs scarcity mindset in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. A scarcity mindset refers to people seeing life as a finite pie; if another person takes a large bite, there is less for everyone else.
On the other hand, the abundance mindset is when you think there is plenty out there for everybody.
An abundant mindset helps you grow, while scarcity keeps you from achieving your goals. How you develop this mindset seamlessly is what I’m going to unlock for you today:
Focus on What You Have
If you’re thinking of expanding your business into a new territory, you’re probably having thoughts like “our product is not good enough” or “There’s too much competition”. These are all ideas on scarcity, on what you don’t have. Your thoughts become an obstruction to your career growth. Instead, turn those around to thoughts about your achievements over the last 10-20 years that will help you crack through the market.
Surround Yourself With Positive People
Find people that look on the brighter side of life. Those who are not afraid of challenges see them as opportunities to grow.
You are the average of the five people around you. Surround yourself with people with a scarcity mindset, and you’ll be one of them. Surround yourself with the abundant mindset, and you’re well on your way to a better life and career.
Create WIN-WIN situations
You winning in your career does not mean another has to lose. Combat this thinking by looking for ways both sides feel a sense of accomplishment. Brainstorm solutions until you find one where both sides are satisfied.
Be Grateful
Practicing gratitude is one of life’s most successful ways of contributing to your well-being, and eventually, your career. One way to do it is to journal about five things you are grateful for daily. Write the simplest things, from your child playing with you to a stranger who smiled at you. Anything that makes you feel the slightest joy is worth noting in the journal.
Also Read: Cracking Code to Identify Your Ideal Customer
See Opportunities, Not Obstacles
An abundance mindset is about seeing more in life. If you focus on what you failed, 100 other opportunities in your career will go unnoticed. The brain can only absorb so much; if you keep thinking about how that one client meeting did pan out the way you wanted it to, any other thoughts contradicting this one will disappear.
Remember, what you believe is what you get.
Also Read: 4 Ways to Turn Obstacles into Opportunities
These rituals are guaranteed to help you identify opportunities instead of only obstacles in your. Focusing on abundance instead of scarcity is a choice. As a leader, your business will only thrive when you’re at your best. And being at your 100% will always be about your mindset more than any other aspect of your life.