How A Customer Journey Map Can Transform Your Business

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As a business coach, the first step I take in order to understand my prospects’ business, is to analyze how their customer journey is mapped. A customer faces a problem, they look for a solution, and they find your product. However, the process is not all that simple. How do we make sure that the customer-facing a problem, only finds the solutions provided by you, and not some other product? What journey do they have to go through in order to reach you and your product? And most importantly, what does a perfect customer journey look like? Too many questions to answer, too little time, so let’s dive right in.

The True Meaning Of the Customer Journey

From the moment that creates marketing inbound or outbound to the point where the customer turns into a retained client, regularly asked to give their feedback as well, is what a customer journey really comprises.

To the business owners reading this blog, how does your customer journey look like, today? What do you think could be the missing key components in your customer journey?

From all the businesses that I have interacted with, I’ve observed there are two main components missing in the customer journey of businesses: A proper structure of a customer journey, and the steps that must be taken to streamline the process.

Steps To Take A Customer Journey Through

The structure of a customer journey can be different for different businesses. Although, the idea is to identify what is it that a customer faces that leads them to search for a product, a solution. A business owner must gather information on what a prospect must be going through pre-service, develop a solution to it (service), and again, gather information on how the product solves their problems post-service.

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Action That Needs To Be Taken

Small actions repeated over a longer period, make a huge impact on how a business operates. For example – if you have a meeting with a prospect or an existing client, within 24 hours there must be a mail going through to the people involved about the “minutes of the meeting”. All stakeholders must constantly be kept in the loop in order to improve the customer experience for a client. 

The Importance Of A Follow-Up

Remember, you’re not being desperate by following up with a prospect. People love when they know they are being cared about. If a prospect has shown interest in your business, you have the green light on attempting to drive the conversation forward. Your customers want a medium to keep in touch with your company. Therefore, follow-ups only enhance communication and make for a better customer experience. 

Also Read: The Importance of Follow Ups and How You Can Do It


Identifying what a customer journey is like for your prospects is critical for a business owner. It helps you identify what a customer goes through when interacting with your business Vs what you think they do. When worked upon to structure, a customer journey will help a business build customer loyalty. 

But the question is, what does an ideal structure of a customer journey look like? How can you help build it in your business? In my upcoming blog, I will be unlocking the answers to these questions, and more.

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Vijay Johar

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Vijay Johar

Business Coach Vijay Johar is here to guide you on the 4 pillars of business management, leading the way for you to build a prosperous company.

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