Why Is Planning Critical For Success?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

If you’re failing to plan, you are planning to fail. As soon as you fail to make a step-by-step layout, the distance between your goals and the destination you end up reaching increases. Failing to plan can take your life on a course you were not yet ready to face. 

Planning is an integral part of everything that goes on in our lives. From a school timetable to scheduled meetings, or a dentist appointment, planning keeps our lives on course.

My planning revolves around the concept of DGLPA – Dreams, Goals, Learn, Plan, and Action.


Your dreams are why you have a plan in the first place. Dream of buying a house, touching a number on the balance sheet, or could be scaling in a new city.

However, there are many times when different circumstances tend to get in the way of these dreams. The Coronavirus, for example, is a major reason why most plans aiming to reach thousands of different dreams failed. Yet, when you stand back to restructure and begin planning again, you notice that although the path to your dream may have changed, the dream itself remains the same.

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Your goals must always be short-termed and achievable. Small goals allow you to develop consistency in your progress, and once these goals are set, you must work on them to help you achieve your dreams. 

Your goals, when achieved, cause a chain reaction, like the falling of a domino, and the cumulative result of them is observed when your dreams become your reality.


Learning is an extremely important step in this whole process.  What are the resources you need? What kind of people will help you achieve your dream? What kind of vision must they have in their life? 

Not researching an industry, market, or simply the venture you are entering can affect your progress. One must spend a dedicated amount of time finding the answers to these questions if one aims to achieve their goals.


You know what your dream is. You know the small goals you need to set to reach them, and you possess all the knowledge necessary to help make your job easier. Now, you need to put everything together. Figure out how to use your resources, match them to your goals, and develop your own master plan for success.


Action is simply putting a date to your goals. That’s it. It’s a simple but important part of your journey. A plan without a deadline is simply a piece of paper stuck on the wall in the corner of your office.

The deadline could be for anything. Target sales, financial plans, everything must have a deadline. A definite date introduces an accountability factor to your team and eliminates any time spent on unproductive behaviours. 


The way you plan makes a lot of difference in what your dreams are and what your reality could be. Planning is an extremely important part of the path to success and provides standards against which your actual progress can be measured. What are your current dreams? Let me know below 👇

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Business Coach Vijay Johar is here to guide you on the 4 pillars of business management, leading the way for you to build a prosperous company.

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