Lesser Known Leadership Style That Can 5X Your Team’s Performance

Reading Time: 2 minutes

A leader is responsible for taking care of his team, making them feel needed and important, telling them that their voice and opinions matter, true leadership is about being vulnerable towards certain responses that come in, and responding to them productively. An effective and engaging leader is not the one who gives answers, but the one who questions. Only when you ask questions, do you get responses.

An engaging workplace is created by the leader of an organization. And in the year of 2023 and beyond, the only leadership style that can be relevant and attract the best talents around towards your organization, is an engaging leadership style. Now, what is an engaging leadership style? Let’s answer this question with another question:

What is the difference between a manager and a leader?

A manager is someone who makes his team follow a set of rigid SOPs, rules and systems. A leader, however, is only required when the organization needs a deviation required from these SOP systems and processes, and when emotional questions are prioritized instead of these systems. Because all these systems are made considering certain past experiences and incidents, and they cannot set clear precedence to how things may be streamlined going forward in the business. So, there may be some instances where a leader of an organization needs to make changes to the set policies to facilitate the different challenges that the constantly evolving work environment brings in. That is what engaging leadership is all about.

And this is where a leader’s engagement is imperative in the workplace, in order to create an engaged workplace. Your leadership style is what determines how connected the team is to their work, the kickstart to addressing the challenge of employee engagement.

Also Read: 6 Steps To Be A Leader And Not A Boss

Informing Your Team Of Their Importance

As mentioned in the beginning of the blog, it is important you tell your team how important they are to the organization. Let them know that you care for them, that their feedback matters, and that you wish to actively invite their inputs towards any work and activities in the workplace. Once a culture of encouragement and support is established, your team begins to feel more connected and accountable for each other, and everyone will feel they’re working towards a common goal. Additionally, as a leader, the more you interact with your team, the more you get to know about their strengths and weaknesses, giving you the opportunity to guide them accordingly. 

Also Read: How Employee Disengagement Is Silently Killing Your Business


An engaging leader inspires and strengthens the team, encouraging them to be better. The more you interact with your team, the better their job performance will be. As a leader, you may not be directly involved in the tasks of every team member, but the way you interact with your team can have a large impact on the efficiency and effectiveness of their work.

An engaging leadership style will thus take a business a long way, maybe before they’ve even established firm systems, strategies, or before they have introduced their star products into the market.

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Business Coach Vijay Johar is here to guide you on the 4 pillars of business management, leading the way for you to build a prosperous company.

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